ViTooKi Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Adaptor<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
AdaptorChain<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
AudioAdaptorBase class for all Adaptors based on audio frame manipulation <short description="">
AudioAdaptorChain<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
AudioFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
AudioIO<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
BitField<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
BufferedFileByteStreamWraps simple file access (open, read bytes, close) is used from diverse ContainerFile and diverse MuxDemuxIO classes <short description="">
BufferedIOStores writeFrame() written frames in an internal list-buffer, to be fetchted FIFO-style with getFrame() <short description="">
ByteStreamWraps simple file access (open, read bytes, close), should be subclassed by eg. <short description="">
CacheManager<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
CacheManagerLRU<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
CGIParserThis class is used to parse 'Post'-Parameters, submitted by a HTML-form
ClientSession<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
ColorReductionAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that removes U and V component in a MPEG4 VES. <short description="">
CompressedAudioFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
CompressedVideoFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
ContainerDemuxUsed for simple demultiplexing of mp4 streams, so adaptors can be easily applied for eg. <short description="">
ContainerFile<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
ContainerInfoStores pointers to all available ElemStreams (ESInfos) in this container <short description="">
CuttingAdaptorAdaptor class CuttingAdaptor only bypasses frames, that lie within the given time range of seconds, but starting with the first I-frame! <short description="">
DataChannelDataChannel object reads data from an input. <short description="">
DataDumpAdaptor class DataDump stores each passing frame to disk (any IO), but also inserts old frames if one was missing, to adhere to frame dropping adaptation if this automatic insertion feature is not wanted, set the corresponding constructor flag! <short description="">
DataSink<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
DevNull<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
DSPaudioIOAudio output to linux pseudo-file /dev/dsp <short description="">
ESInfoInfo object that describes one elementary stream <short description="">
ESSynchronizerAdaptor class Synchronizer handles stream synchronization can be used for VES and AES <short description="">
FastPointerHashTable< T >A HashTable for pointers only. <hash table="" with="" no="" collision="" handling="">
FilteredIO<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
Forwarder<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
Frame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
FrameCounterAdaptor class FrameCounter counts by-passing frames and should be installed close before or after decoding and displaying <short description="">
FramePatternDetectorAdaptor class FramePatternDetector counts by-passing frames by frame type and detects if a video has a constant frame pattern, how many b-frames are between and how large is the GOP-size <short description="">
FrameRateAdjustAdaptor class FrameRateAdjust adjusts the incoming framerate to a predefined outgoing framerate (both expressed by a timeIncrement) so either by-passing frames are dropped (eg. <short description="">
FrameRotateImplementation of Adaptor that 90degree rotates every incoming frame
FrameTypeCounterAdaptor class FrameCounter counts by-passing frames by frame type and should be installed close before or after decoding and displaying <short description="">
GlobalsThis class is used to provide some configuration values, which will be read from a configuration-file (which is created on first run and filled with default-values, if not already existing)
GlobalTimerThis adaptor class provides a means for synchronizing DataChannels (media streams) by providing methods for obtaining the elapsed time since the start of streaming (not including PAUSED states) and for blocking DataChannels when set to the PREFETCHING or PAUSED state. Adaptor for synchronizing several DataChannels with PREFETCHING or PAUSED states
HttpByteStreamWraps simple file access (open, read bytes, close) is used from diverse ContainerFile and diverse MuxDemuxIO classes <short description="">
IncompleteIO<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
IO<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
MadMP3DecoderAdaptor class MadMP3Decoder decodes bypassing MPEG-1/2 layer 3 audio packets to raw PCM sample blocks using the libmad <short description="">
MetaObject<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
MovieThis class is used to store a movie
MovieListThis class is used read movies into memory
MovieListRequestThis class is used to request to movielist from the mediaserver (by HTTP) and write it to a file
MP21<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
MP3EncoderImplementation of Adaptor that takes UncompressedAudioFrame (raw PCM) as input and returns an CompressedAudioFrame (MPEG-1 layer 3 aka mp3) as output. <short description="">
MP4audioDecoder<short description="">
MP4DecoderImplementation of Adaptor that returns YUVFrame objects <short description="">
MP4EncoderImplementation of Adaptor that takes UncompressedVideoFrame as input and returns an CompressedVideoFrame as output. <short description="">
MP4IOBase class for accessing mp4-containers <short description="">
MP7File<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
MP7TimeThis class represents an MPEG-7 time value
MPGStreamIO<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
MuxDemuxIOMuxes/demuxes from/to containers to elementary-stream BufferIOs <short description="">
PacketizationLayer<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
PointerHashTable< T >A HashTable for pointers only. <short description="">
PointerRingBuffer< T >A RingBuffer for pointers only. <short description="">
PortGenerator<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
ProfileThis class is used to store user-profiles
ProfileListThis class is used to read user-profiles into memory
Protocol<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
ProxySession<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
PSNRAdaptor class PSNR calculates psnr for each frame and provides overall statistics <short description="">
QFrameBufferThis class serves as a frame buffer and event handler of a QLabel widget for displaying video frames.

It manages a QImage object as a frame buffer whose pixels may be set using the setPixel() method. For painting the frame buffer's contents into the QLabel widget's pixmap, a customEvent() handler is implemented.

Although this class is an extension of QWidget, it is not intended to be used as a replacement of the QLabel instance actually displaying the video frames. Actually, a QFrameBuffer widget will never become visible.

QLabelRendererThis I/O class renders a gray-scale or RGB stream (via a QFrameBuffer) onto a QLabel widget
QualityReductionAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that reduces average bitrate of a MP4 VES. <short description="">
RawStreamIOWrites raw frames (eg. <short description="">
ReferenceCounter<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
RFC2250Implementation of RFC 2250 for packetization of MP3 audio <short description="">
RFC3016<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
RingBuffer< T >A RingBuffer for non pointers only <short description="">
Rtp<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
RTSP<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
SDLaudioIORaw-audio output via the SDL library methods <short description="">
SDLFrameBufferThis class serves as a frame buffer and event handler of a SDL RGB Surface widget for displaying video frames
SDLRendererThis I/O class renders a gray-scale or RGB24/32 or YUV I420/YV12 stream the used SDL surface is created within this function, incl. CTRL-C/ESC signal/event catchers
SDP<class description="" goes="" here=""> RTSP helper class for SDP generation needed as response to an RTSP DESCRIBE
SemiDebugThis class is used to output debugging information either to standard output or to a specified file
SemiProxyThis class is the main-class of the semiproxy
SemiProxySessionThis class is used to handle a single rtsp-session
ServerCommunicationThis class is used for communication with the semiserver
ServerSession<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
Session<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
SessionListThis class is used to request and manage a list of currently active sessions from the semiproxy
SessionMgmtThis class is used for management of currently active streaming sessions
SharedAdaptorWrapper for an adaptor so that the shared Adaptor can be used amongst several DataChannels/DataSinks. adaptor shareable amongst several DataSinks/DataChannels
SLPacket<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
SpatialReductionAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that implements spatial adaptation <short description="">
SSessionThis class contains all information about an active streaming session
Statistics<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
StatisticsUpdaterAdaptor class StatisticsUpdater is used directly after InputIO and writes overall statistics on thru-passing bytes <short description="">
StrongTemporalAdaptorDrops all bypassing B- and P-frames <short description="">
structMPEGaudioHeaderDecoderInit will store parsed header information in this struct The Header for MPEG audio is the first 32 bits
TemporalAdaptorDrops all bypassing B-frames <short description="">
TerminalCapabilities<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
TheoraEncoderImplementation of Adaptor that takes UncompressedVideoFrame as input and returns an CompressedVideoFrame as output. <short description="">
TimeMeasurementThis class is used to measure the elapsed time of a streaming session
TimeSectionThis class is used to measure the elapsed time of a section (from PLAY to PAUSE) of a streaming session
TrackListThis class is used by SemiProxySession in order to distinct different tracks of a session
UnbufferedFileByteStreamWraps simple file access (open, read bytes, close) is used from diverse ContainerFile and diverse MuxDemuxIO classes <short description="">
UncompressedAudioFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
UncompressedVideoFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
URIParametersThis class contains all parameters, which were specified in the Rtsp-URI using the (semi-used) syntax "/<param>=<val>"
UrlURL Class, works with file urls, and also with rtsp or http. <short description="">
UserThis class is used to store users
UserListThis class is used to read users into memory
VideoAdaptorBase class for all Adaptors based on video frame manipulation <short description="">
VideoAdaptorChain<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
VideoFrame<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
VideoFrameBufferThis class serves as a frame buffer and event handler of a graphical widget/label for displaying video frames.

It manages an pixmap/image object as a frame buffer whose pixels may be set using the setPixel() method. For painting the frame buffer's contents into the label/widget's pixmap, a customEvent() handler is implemented.

VideoRendererThis I/O class renders a gray-scale or RGB stream (via a QFrameBuffer) onto a QLabel widget. Don't forget to set the appropriate VideoFrameBuffer!
VisualizerThe Visualizer Adaptor allows access to VideoRenderer IO graphical output, so from within an adaptor chain, the intermediate results can be displayed either on SDL, Qt, or X11 <short description="">
VITMuxDemuxIOMuxes/demuxes from/to our VIT container to elementary-stream BufferIOs <short description="">
VorbisEncoderImplementation of Adaptor that takes UncompressedAudioFrame (raw PCM) as input and returns an CompressedAudioFrame (VORBIS aka OGG-VORBIS) as output. <short description="">
VThreadOO-wrapper class to PThread lib <short description="">
X11FrameBufferThis class serves as a frame buffer and event handler of a SDL RGB Surface widget for displaying video frames
X11RendererThis I/O class renders a gray-scale or RGB24/32 stream the used X11-Window is created within this function, incl. CTRL-C/ESC signal/event catchers
YUVColorReductionAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that applies color reduction on YUVFrame objects. <short description="">
YUVinYUVoverlayAdaptor class YUVinYUVoverlay provides a graphical overlaying (destructive multiplexing) from one YUV stream (eg. <short description="">
YUVScalingAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that applies spatial transformation on YUVFrame objects. Up- and downscaling is implemented using SDL
YUVSpatialReductionAdaptorImplementation of Adaptor that applies spatial transformation on YUVFrame objects. <short description="">
YUVStreamIOWrites YUV frames and sets the correct UncompressedVideoFrame attribs <short description="">