RTSP Class Reference
<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description=""> More...
#include <RTSP.hpp>
Inheritance diagram for RTSP:

Public Member Functions | |
bool | applyReqToSession (const char *req, u32 bytesRead, Session *ses) |
bool | applyReqToSession (const char *req, u32 bytesRead, Session *ses, bool optionsCallback) |
wrapper method for applyReqToSession() | |
ContainerInfo * | parseResponseDescribe (const char *response, const char *url, char **serverName, list< rtx_group * > *groups=NULL) |
parses the response generated by a DESCRIBE (the SDP description) and builds a ContainerInfo object from this info. | |
int | parseResponseSetup (const char *buffer, int *sessionID, int *clientPort, int *serverPort, bool *unicast, char **ssrc, rtx_info *info=NULL) |
parses a reponse to a setup, returns the number of parameters successfully extracted. | |
void | generateDescribeForUrl (const char *url, const char *playerId, const TerminalCapabilities *tc=NULL, const UserPreferences *up=NULL) |
void | generateSetup (const char *url, int trackId, int clientPort, bool unicast, u32 rtxPort=0, int sessionId=-1) |
void | generatePlay (const char *url, u32 session, double startTime, double nptEnd, double maxPrefetch) |
void | generatePause (const char *url, u32 session) |
void | generateTeardown (const char *url, u32 session) |
void | generateRedirect (const char *url, const char *newUrl, const time_t *redirectAllowedAtTimePoint=NULL) |
void | generateFileNotFound () |
void | generateOk () |
void | generateSessionNotFound () |
void | generateInternalServerError () |
void | generateDestUnreachable () |
void | generateNotImplemented () |
void | generateBadCMD () |
void | generateIllegalTransport () |
void | generateNotEnoughBandwidth () |
void | generateInvalidParameter (const int numParams, const char *const *const param) |
void | generateSetParameter (const char *url, u32 session, std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) |
void | generateGetParameter (const char *url, const u32 session, const int numParams, const char **params) |
void | parseGetParameter (const char *req, u32 *session, int *numParams, char ***params) |
parses a GET_PARAMETER | |
void | parseSetParameter (const char *req, u32 *session, std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) |
will parse a SET_PARAMETER | |
bool | parseCMDDescribe (Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *remaining, char **playerId) |
bool | parseCMDSetup (Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *const remaining, bool *hasSessionKey, int *sesKey, char **protocols, char **unicast, int *esId, int *rPort, int *rPort2, bool *hasRtxPort, u32 *clientRtxPort, char **clientAddress=NULL) |
bool | parseCMDPlay (Session *ses, const Url *filename, const char *remaining, int *sessionId, double *startTime, double *endTime, double *maxPrefetch) |
void | parseCMDRedirect (Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *remaining, char **newUrl, time_t *redirectAllowedAtTimePoint) |
newUrl and redirectAllowedAtTimePoint are out parameters. | |
void | generateResponseGetParameter (std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) |
bool | generateCMDDescribeReply (Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *sourceServerName, const char *playerId) |
bool | generateSetupReply (Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const int sesKey, const char *protocols, const char *unicast, const char *sourceAddress, const int esId, const int rPort, const int rPort2, const int lport, const u32 clientRtxPort, const u32 serverRtxPort) |
void | generateCMDnotSupportedReply () |
void | generateCMDOptionsReply () |
void | incSeqNr () |
void | decSeqNr () |
int | getLastStatus () const |
const char * | getBuffer () const |
int | getDefaultPort () const |
int | generateSessionKey () |
int | extractSessionKeyFromCMD (const char *remaining) |
returns INVALID_SESSIONID if no sessionid was found | |
int | getSeqNr () |
returns last sequence number | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
bool | isSupportedTransport (const char *protocols) |
bool | isCmdOk (const char *buf) |
u32 | extractSessionId (const char *buffer) |
char * | replaceSessionIdWith (u32 newId, const char *buffer) |
void | doTest () |
void | freeMapMemory (std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) |
Protected Types | |
returns the sessionId which will be terminated | |
Protected Attributes | |
int | seqNr |
int | lastStatus |
char | buffer [MSG_BUFFER_SIZE] |
bool | optionsCallback |
Static Protected Attributes | |
const char *const | allowedCommands |
const int | SL_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 96 |
const int | TTL = 16 |
Detailed Description
<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">
- Author:
- Michael Kropfberger and Peter Schojer
- Version:
- Id
- RTSP.hpp,v 1.15 2006/01/20 15:37:54 mkropfbe Exp
Definition at line 75 of file RTSP.hpp.
Member Function Documentation
newUrl and redirectAllowedAtTimePoint are out parameters. Memory for newUrl is reserved inside the function. Make sure that *newUrl=NULL prior callingDefinition at line 1800 of file RTSP.cpp.
parses the response generated by a DESCRIBE (the SDP description) and builds a ContainerInfo object from this info. Definition at line 816 of file RTSP.cpp. References ContainerInfo::addESInfo(), ESInfo::enableFrameStatistic(), and ContainerInfo::setIODHandle(). Referenced by ClientSession::connect().
parses a reponse to a setup, returns the number of parameters successfully extracted. Every return value below two should be considered as an illegal reponse.
will parse a SET_PARAMETER
Member Data Documentation
Initial value: Definition at line 97 of file RTSP.cpp. |
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