UncompressedAudioFrame Class Reference

<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description=""> More...

#include <UncompressedAudioFrame.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for UncompressedAudioFrame:

AudioFrame Frame List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UncompressedAudioFrame (FrameType t)
 Constructor -----------.
Frame::FrameType detectFrameType ()
 Determines the correctness of the buffer and extracts the frametype of the frame On any problem: FrameType ERROR_VOP is returned.

Detailed Description

<class description="" goes="" here=""> <short description="">

Michael Kropfberger and Peter Schojer
UncompressedAudioFrame.hpp,v 1.3 2004/06/04 11:10:28 pschojer Exp

Definition at line 60 of file UncompressedAudioFrame.hpp.

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