Main Page | Namespace List | Class Hierarchy | Alphabetical List | Class List | File List | Namespace Members | Class Members | File Members
RTSP Member List
This is the complete list of members for RTSP, including all inherited members.allowedCommands (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected, static] |
applyReqToSession(const char *req, u32 bytesRead, Session *ses) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [virtual] |
applyReqToSession(const char *req, u32 bytesRead, Session *ses, bool optionsCallback) | RTSP | |
buffer (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
decSeqNr() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline] |
doTest() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
extractSessionId(const char *buffer) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
extractSessionKeyFromCMD(const char *remaining) | RTSP | |
freeMapMemory(std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
generateBadCMD() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateCMDDescribeReply(Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *sourceServerName, const char *playerId) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateCMDnotSupportedReply() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateCMDOptionsReply() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateDescribeForUrl(const char *url, const char *playerId, const TerminalCapabilities *tc=NULL, const UserPreferences *up=NULL) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateDestUnreachable() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateFileNotFound() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [virtual] |
generateGetParameter(const char *url, const u32 session, const int numParams, const char **params) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateIllegalTransport() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateInternalServerError() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateInvalidParameter(const int numParams, const char *const *const param) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateNotEnoughBandwidth() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateNotImplemented() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateOk() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generatePause(const char *url, u32 session) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generatePlay(const char *url, u32 session, double startTime, double nptEnd, double maxPrefetch) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateRedirect(const char *url, const char *newUrl, const time_t *redirectAllowedAtTimePoint=NULL) | RTSP | |
generateResponseGetParameter(std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateSessionKey() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateSessionNotFound() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateSetParameter(const char *url, u32 session, std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateSetup(const char *url, int trackId, int clientPort, bool unicast, u32 rtxPort=0, int sessionId=-1) | RTSP | |
generateSetupReply(Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const int sesKey, const char *protocols, const char *unicast, const char *sourceAddress, const int esId, const int rPort, const int rPort2, const int lport, const u32 clientRtxPort, const u32 serverRtxPort) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
generateTeardown(const char *url, u32 session) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
GET_PARAMETER enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
getBuffer() const (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline, virtual] |
getDefaultPort() const (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline, virtual] |
getID() (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | [inline] |
getLastStatus() const (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline, virtual] |
getSeqNr() | RTSP | [inline] |
ILLEGAL enum value (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | |
incSeqNr() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline] |
isCmdOk(const char *buf) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
isSupportedTransport(const char *protocols) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
lastStatus (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_DESCRIBE enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_OPTIONS enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_PAUSE enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_PLAY enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_REDIRECT enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_SETUP enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_TEARDOWN enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_Type enum name | RTSP | [protected] |
MSG_UNKNOWN enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
NOTFOUND enum value (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | |
OK enum value (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | |
optionsCallback (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
parseCMDDescribe(Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *remaining, char **playerId) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
parseCMDPlay(Session *ses, const Url *filename, const char *remaining, int *sessionId, double *startTime, double *endTime, double *maxPrefetch) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
parseCMDRedirect(Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *remaining, char **newUrl, time_t *redirectAllowedAtTimePoint) | RTSP | |
parseCMDSetup(Session *ses, const Url *fileName, const char *const remaining, bool *hasSessionKey, int *sesKey, char **protocols, char **unicast, int *esId, int *rPort, int *rPort2, bool *hasRtxPort, u32 *clientRtxPort, char **clientAddress=NULL) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
parseGetParameter(const char *req, u32 *session, int *numParams, char ***params) | RTSP | |
parseResponseDescribe(const char *response, const char *url, char **serverName, list< rtx_group * > *groups=NULL) | RTSP | |
parseResponseSetup(const char *buffer, int *sessionID, int *clientPort, int *serverPort, bool *unicast, char **ssrc, rtx_info *info=NULL) | RTSP | |
parseSetParameter(const char *req, u32 *session, std::map< char *, char *, struct stringCompare > *params) | RTSP | |
protoID (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | [protected] |
replaceSessionIdWith(u32 newId, const char *buffer) (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [static] |
RTSP() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | |
seqNr (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
SET_PARAMETER enum value (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected] |
SL_PAYLOAD_TYPE (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected, static] |
StatusValues enum name (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | |
TTL (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [protected, static] |
UNKNOWNCMD enum value (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | |
~Protocol() (defined in Protocol) | Protocol | [inline, virtual] |
~RTSP() (defined in RTSP) | RTSP | [inline, virtual] |