ServerSession Member List

This is the complete list of members for ServerSession, including all inherited members.

admControl (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
bufferServerSession [protected]
canAdmitRequest (defined in Session)Session [protected]
channelsSession [protected]
client (defined in Session)Session [protected]
clientId (defined in Session)Session [protected]
cm (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
connect(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
counter (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
determineProtocol(const char *request)Session
enableRtx (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
exit() (defined in VThread)VThread
find(int esId)Session [protected]
finished() const (defined in VThread)VThread
getAllRtxGroups() (defined in Session)Session
getContainerInfo() const (defined in Session)Session
getControlSocket() const (defined in Session)Session
getDataChannel(int esId)Session
getDataChannels() const (defined in Session)Session
getDataSinkInfo() const (defined in Session)Session
getOptions(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
getProtocol() (defined in Session)Session [inline]
getRtxGroup(u32 esId)Session
getState() const (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [inline]
getSuggestedAdaptor() (defined in Session)Session
getTerminalCapabilities() const (defined in Session)Session
getUrl() const (defined in Session)Session
globalTimer (defined in Session)Session [protected]
gtRefCount (defined in Session)Session [protected]
gtSharedAdapt (defined in Session)Session [protected]
HelperFunction(void *args) (defined in VThread)VThread [protected, static]
is_finished (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
is_running (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
localAddress (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
mp4Stream (defined in Session)Session [protected]
my_thread (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
options(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
paramsServerSession [protected]
pause(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
play(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
playerId (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
prot (defined in Session)Session [protected]
readRequest(char *str, const int MAX_BYTES)Session
resUsage (defined in Session)Session [protected]
rtxInfoSession [protected]
run() (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
running() const (defined in VThread)VThread
sendResponse(const char *str, int bytes)Session
serverID (defined in Session)Session [protected]
ServerSession(int socket, const struct sockaddr_in *client, CacheManager *cm, AdmissionControl *am, bool enableRtx, SessionCounter *counter=NULL, TerminalCapabilities *tc=NULL)ServerSession
Session() (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_ACTIVE enum value (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_CLOSED enum value (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_ERR enum value (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_INITIALIZED enum value (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_NEW enum value (defined in Session)Session
SESSION_PAUSED enum value (defined in Session)Session
sessionControlChannel (defined in Session)Session [protected]
SessionState enum name (defined in Session)Session
setDataChannel(DataChannel *dc)Session
setFinished(bool finished) (defined in VThread)VThread [inline, protected]
setOptions(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
setRoundRobinScheduling(int val)VThread
setRtxInfoForES(u32 esId, rtx_info *rtx)Session
setRunning(bool running) (defined in VThread)VThread [inline, protected]
setTerminalCapabilities(TerminalCapabilities *tc) (defined in Session)Session
setup(const Url *fileName, const char *remaining) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [virtual]
setUrl(const Url *uri, bool makeExactMatch=true)ServerSession [virtual]
start() (defined in VThread)VThread
startDCs(int sessionId, double startTime, double endTime, double prefetch, bool backwardsClosestIFrame) (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession [protected]
state (defined in Session)Session [protected]
suggestedAdaptor (defined in Session)Session [protected]
tearDown(int sessionKey, bool immediate=false, const Url *fileName=NULL, const char *remaining=NULL)ServerSession [virtual]
termCap (defined in Session)Session [protected]
urlSession [protected]
userPref (defined in Session)Session [protected]
VThread() (defined in VThread)VThread
wait(unsigned long time=ULONG_MAX) (defined in VThread)VThread
~ServerSession() (defined in ServerSession)ServerSession
~Session() (defined in Session)Session [virtual]
~VThread() (defined in VThread)VThread [virtual]