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Muvino File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
MP7Doc.hpp [code]Declaration of the MP7Doc class
MP7ListViewItem.hpp [code]Declaration of the MP7ListViewItem class
MP7Time.hpp [code]Declaration of the MP7Time class
MP7VideoSegment.hpp [code]Declaration of the MP7VideoSegment class
MP7View.hpp [code]Declaration of the MP7View class
muvinomain.hpp [code]Declaration of the MuvinoMain class
muvinomaindlg.hpp [code]
SegmentSlider.hpp [code]Declaration of the SegmentSlider class
videosegment.hpp [code]Declaration of the VideoSegment class
videosegmentdlg.hpp [code]

Generated on Mon Sep 27 09:12:05 2004 for Muvino by doxygen 1.3.2