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Muvino Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
MP7DocThis class represents an MPEG-7 document
MP7ListViewItemInstances of this class represent derived QListViewItem objects representing XML elements within an MPEG-7 document
MP7TimeThis class represents an MPEG-7 time value
MP7VideoSegmentThis class represents a view on a temporal video segment of an MPEG-7 document, as used in the DAHL project
MP7ViewThis abstract class defines an interface of a view on an MPEG-7 document
MuvinoMainThis class implements the application logic of the main GUI class MuvinoMainDlg
SegmentSliderThis class implements a slider widget for representing a video segment
VideoSegmentThis class implements the (simple) application logic of VideoSegmentDlg, the GUI dialog for editing the MPEG-7 descriptors of a video segment

Generated on Mon Sep 27 09:12:05 2004 for Muvino by doxygen 1.3.2