VThread Member List

This is the complete list of members for VThread, including all inherited members.

exit() (defined in VThread)VThread
finished() const (defined in VThread)VThread
HelperFunction(void *args) (defined in VThread)VThread [protected, static]
is_finished (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
is_running (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
my_thread (defined in VThread)VThread [protected]
run()=0 (defined in VThread)VThread [protected, pure virtual]
running() const (defined in VThread)VThread
setFinished(bool finished) (defined in VThread)VThread [inline, protected]
setRoundRobinScheduling(int val)VThread
setRunning(bool running) (defined in VThread)VThread [inline, protected]
start() (defined in VThread)VThread
VThread() (defined in VThread)VThread
wait(unsigned long time=ULONG_MAX) (defined in VThread)VThread
~VThread() (defined in VThread)VThread [virtual]