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ClientSession Member List
This is the complete list of members for ClientSession, including all inherited members.audioOut (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
channels | ClientSession | [protected] |
clientObj | ClientSession | [protected] |
ClientSession(const char *uri, IO *videoOutput, IO *audioOutput, TerminalCapabilities *tc, bool enableRtx, bool visualize=false) | ClientSession | |
ClientSession(const char *uri, IO *vout, IO *aout, UserPreferences *up, bool enableRtx, bool visualize=false) | ClientSession | |
ClientSession(const char *videoUri, const char *proxyUri, IO *vout, IO *aout, UserPreferences *up, bool enableRtx, bool visualize=false) (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
ClientSession(int socket, const struct sockaddr_in *server, const char *uri, IO *vout, IO *aout, TerminalCapabilities *c, bool enableRtx, bool visualize=false) | ClientSession | |
ClientSessionState enum name (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
connect() | ClientSession | |
construct(const char *uri) (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
decodeData (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
exit() (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
finished() const (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
getContainerInfo() const (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
getControlSocket() const (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
getDataChannel(int esId) | ClientSession | |
getDataChannels() const (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
getDestInfo() (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
getRtxGroup(u32 esId) | ClientSession | |
getState() const (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
getUrl() const (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [inline] |
HelperFunction(void *args) (defined in VThread) | VThread | [protected, static] |
is_finished (defined in VThread) | VThread | [protected] |
is_running (defined in VThread) | VThread | [protected] |
mp4Stream | ClientSession | [protected] |
my_thread (defined in VThread) | VThread | [protected] |
pause(u32 sessionKey) (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
play(bool with_caching=false) (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
protocol | ClientSession | [protected] |
readRequest(char *str, const int MAX_BYTES) | ClientSession | |
rtxEnabled (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
rtxInfo | ClientSession | [protected] |
run() (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [virtual] |
running() const (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
sendResponse(const char *str, int bytes) | ClientSession | |
server (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
SESSION_CLOSED enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
SESSION_CONNECTED enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
SESSION_ERR enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
SESSION_INITIALIZED enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
SESSION_PAUSED enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
SESSION_PLAYING enum value (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
sessionControlChannel | ClientSession | [protected] |
setDataChannel(DataChannel *dc) | ClientSession | [inline] |
setFinished(bool finished) (defined in VThread) | VThread | [inline, protected] |
setOutput(IO *out) | ClientSession | |
setRoundRobinScheduling(int val) | VThread | |
setRtxInfoForES(u32 esId, rtx_info *rtx) | ClientSession | |
setRunning(bool running) (defined in VThread) | VThread | [inline, protected] |
setUrl(const char *&uri, bool makeExactMatch=true) | ClientSession | |
start() (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
state | ClientSession | [protected] |
tearDown(u32 sessionKey) (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
termCap | ClientSession | [protected] |
url | ClientSession | [protected] |
usrPref (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
videoOut (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | [protected] |
VThread() (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
wait(unsigned long time=ULONG_MAX) (defined in VThread) | VThread | |
~ClientSession() (defined in ClientSession) | ClientSession | |
~VThread() (defined in VThread) | VThread | [virtual] |